Lesson 8 – Second Song: 50’s Three Chord Medley

Fingerings for C, F and G7

The video above breaks down the fingerings for each chord we will need for the next songs:  C, F and G7.

Chord Changes Exercise for Next Song

Practise changing chords for the next song. We’ll use the ‘Rock Beat’ strumming pattern:

| d – D – d – D – |

Chord progression:

||:  C  | C  | F  | F  |  G7  | G7  | C  | C  :||

You could also replay this video, but instead of the ‘Rock Beat’ strum we use above, try playing ‘Wimpy Strong’. Those two strums synch up perfectly:

| d u D u d u D u |

1950’s Three Chord Medley:

Includes: Rock Around The Clock, Hound Dog and Folsom Prison Blues

Thoughts on practising:

  • I take it pretty slow in the video so try and play along with it a few times.
  • Then download the PDF with the lyrics and chords below and give it a shot on your own.
  • Sing or hum each song in the medley while playing the chords and the strumming pattern. Admittedly, this is alot to do at once, but with a little bit of practise, it will start to come together for you.


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